The love of my life: Tata

I’m sorry that I spam you with images of my puppy. I took this about a month ago. As you might have noticed by now she’s suffering from terminal stage cancer and probably won’t survive till New Years. It’s absolutely breaking my heart. She’s my first dog and I can’t imagine not having her around anymore.
Have you ever lost a pet? How did you deal with it? I could really use some advice on how to deal with this kind of situation.


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Disneyland Paris Castle

disney castle

Hi Lovelies,

I hope you all have a great sunday 🙂 Here’s a little throwback to my trip to Disneyland Paris last September. I just realized today I never retouched the images. So here I present to you the Disneyland Paris Castle in all it’s glory. It was a stormy three days while I’ve been there but this makes for really nice moody pictures and I love the clouds!


Hi everybody,

I’ve been absence for a while due to my finals for this semester and I’m really sorry about that. But now I’m back!

I went to see my grandma today and my oldest cousin so I took the opportunity to have some photo fun with her.

We went into a field and decided to try levitation. If you’ve never heard of levitation photography you should check it out. It’s pretty cool and not too hard to do.

If you’re interested in a tutorial just let me now in the comment box and I’d be happy to show you how it’s done.

So here’s two pics of me and my cousin levitating. Enjoy! 🙂

IMG_8760 aIMG_8752 Kopie