1 year Anniversay! / Erster Jahrestag

Happy Anniversary!

You registered on WordPress.com 1 years ago!

Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging!

This is what popped up on my WordPress account.

Wow can’t believe it’s been a year!

And to celebrate this news and the 1st of December here’s a picture I took last year in December in New York City.

Happy pre Christmas time!



Schon ein Jahr schreibe ich jetzt hier meinen Blog. Wahnsinn wie doch die Zeit vergeht!

Um dies und den ersten Dezember gebührend zu feiern zeige ich euch hier ein Bild, das ich letztes Jahr in New Tork City aufgenommen habe.

Frohe Vorweihnachtszeit!


Christmassy New York

I spend the New Years Eve Weekend in the City. And of course I had to take some shots of all the christmassy decorations they build up for the Holidays 🙂

I really like how different certain places feel just because of the sculptures.

I had a blast with my friends and I felt once again touristy in the Big Apple. But wow was it crowded! You think that NYC is a busy City on a regular basis. Come on a holiday weekend and double the amount of people in your head.