Photo shoot at South Beach in Miami, Florida

My lovely followers,

what is wrong with me for not posting in forever?! Seriously I’m sorry but as much as I would love to post more, work and university keep me crazy busy. Luckily my boyfriend invited me to a much needed 1 week vaca to Miami. I’ve been there once before with him for a weekend but this time we had more time and beautiful weather. And because I got to spend a whole week there I decided to find models for a photo shoot. Turns out one of my brazilian friends ( Hi Joyce!) knew two stunning brazilian girls in Miami. Lucky me! I just wanted to show you a sneek peak before I get to edit all the pics. I”m not sure if I like the color or b/w better. What do you think? 🙂 Unbenannt-1 Kopie

New York Sunset


As seen from the Central Park Lake. Missing the City a alot today.

The exams are finally over and I have some time to catch up on my pictures from last year. I know it’s overdue but It’s one of my New Years Resultions so I guess mid Ferbuary isn’t that bad 🙂


Vom See im Central Park aus gesehen. Vermisse die Stadt heute besonders.

Meine Klausuren sind endlich vorbei, sodass ich Zeit habe mich endlich mit meinen ganzen Bildern auseinander zu setzen. Ich weiß, dass es etwas spät is aber es ist einer meiner Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr und da ist Mitte Februar ja doch noch recht früh 🙂

New York Skyline from Top of the Rocks

One of my favorite shots I took while living in the States. New York City how I miss you! I had the Chance to photograph from the Rockefeller Center while twilight. Trough my filtering it gets a nice warm touch that I really like. I hope you enjoy it too 🙂

Here you’ll find informations to the tour I took:

Eines meiner Lieblingsbilder, die ich in New York City gemacht habe als ich in den Staaten lebte. Wie ich diese Stadt vermisse! Die Aufnahme konnte ich gluecklicherweisse waehrend der goldenen Stunde aufnehmen. Durch meine Bearbeitung bekommt es einen warmen Touch der mir sehr gut gefaellt. Ich hoffe euch gefaellt es auch 🙂

Hir findet ihr Informationen zu der Tour, die ich gemacht habe:

IMG_8532a Kopie

On the Road- Part 2

So I found some time this weekend to look through more of my Roadtrip pictures. Before I”ll show you the actual City pics I wanted to share some Impressions from being on the Road.

Dieses Wochenende habe ich etwas Zeit gehabt nochmals durch meine Roadtrip Bilder zu gucken. Bevor ich euch die eigentlichen Städtebilder zeige, möchte ich euch ein paar Impressionen vom eigentlichen Roadtrip zeigen.



IMG_8288int Kopie

On the Road- Part 1

Unfortunately my PC is still not working so I have to use my Laptop. Which is ok but the colors are better on my PC, oh well 🙂

Let’s start with a few pictures I took while being on the road. It’s very random. Some abandoned houses; rusty, vintage cars and a lot of cacti.

It was quiet a long trip. All in total we spend 28 days driving across the US. We slept in about 20 different motels. Some better, some worse.

We had bedbugs, cockroaches, black curly hairs on bed sheets, oh and yes we found an old sandwhich in a microwave. Yikes!

But than on the other hand we experienced some of the most stunning landscapes America has to offer.

Let me tell you about our route: Westport,CT-NYC, NY-Niagara Falls,NY-Chicago,IL- Nashville,TN- Carlsbad Caverns,NM-Roswell,NM-  (planned was New Orleans but hurricane Isaac got in our way) so the next bigger stop was-Santa Fe, NM-Mesa Verde National Park, CO-Monument Valley, UT/AZ-Grand Canyon,AZ-Las Vegas, NV-Death Valley,CAL-Yosemite National Park,CAL-San Fransisco,CAl-Los Angeles,CAL.
That’s where it enden. It was quiet a trip! We traveled trough 16 States (if I count right)

This is a small selection. I’m going to post more soon. I took around 5k I think. There’s a lot of sorting trough to do.

Also I started going to University this week. I’m now a student at the HS Rhein-Main in Wiesbaden. Working on a BA in Media Management 🙂

So soon I’m going to post updates on that aswell.